Integrity Programme

Calling all Aspiring Entrepreneurs!

Sim Leisure Group invites you to learn how to be a successful entrepreneur from its Founder and Chairman Sim Choo Kheng, who built his business from scratch over 30 years of perseverance, to a publicly listed company and one of Asia’s most successful leisure business.

This initiative is part of Sim Leisure Group’s CSR (corporate social responsibility) efforts to inspire and nurture young Malaysian entrepreneurs to become high achievers.

It is free of charge and provides an opportunity to learn from a real, successful and proven entrepreneur that makes things happen!

This event:

Is a free event

Has No Hidden Agenda
Has No Strings Attached
Is not a Money-Making Scheme
Is not another “Get Rich Quick Scheme”
Is not trying to sell you something

How to Qualify?

To qualify for this event, we invite you to register online and take our Integrity Pledge.  The Integrity Pledge is a code of conduct which emphasizes the importance of promoting integrity and avoiding corrupt practices, ensuring the future of Malaysia is led by an honest business commmunity.


Why is this Important?

  • The future of the world will be driven and empowered by consumers who are empowered to decide which businesses to support.
  • Corrupt businesses that have caused harm will be removed in this digitally-enabled world through democratic means.
  • Corruption has hindered Malaysia's progress for decades, with a worrisome percentage of Malaysians accepting it as a way of life.
  • Malaysia needs more young entrepreneurs at the forefront to build a resilient economy and continue on its path to become a first-world country.


You will learn….

  • Only 5% of people are high achievers with the rest being part of the herd
  • 95% of people don't question and think because of years of indoctrination and spoonfeeding in schools
  • Being able to think and question will lead you to different answers most of the time and is much needed to be high achievers in life
  • Opinions of the minority (5%) are rarely readily acceptable but are usually right
  • Conformity is a bad word and is the formula for poverty and the middle-class trap
  • How traditional thinking taught by your parents and teachers can limit you of progress and opportunities
  • How being well-schooled, but badly educated has failed us

Are you Hungry for Success?

  • We invite all aspiring entrepreneurs wherever you are at in your journey – whether finishing college, unhappy with your corporate inefficient boss or you just don’t fit in as an employee
  • You could be the 5% of the people who are the high achievers/entrepreneurs (you need to detach from the 95% and no longer follow the herd)
  • Being a non-conformist in nature, you are potentially the mover and shaker in the world of business without you realising
  • You can escape your parents and teachers’ wish of you becoming an office or factory worker and instead be your own boss of a global business

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